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Re: [1.7] Editing in /etc

On Mar  2 08:36, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> >> Looks like it's related to some issue reading stdin... I executed vim
> >> in debug mode ('vim -D passwd') and got the following:
> >
> > Fixed... ?I messed up the permissions in my /dev directory.
> Perhaps I spoke to soon...  I'm still having the issue, this time with
> a domain based user.

I can't reproduce that, neither from a console window, nor from a mintty

> I executed 'mkpasswd -l -c > /etc/passwd' which again acted as
> expected, and the /etc/passwd file was created.  I went to edit the
> file with 'vim -D /etc/passwd' to change the users' default group and
> vim again displayed the message about an error opening input.

So this does not only occur in /etc?  What happens if you start vim
without the -D flag?
> Looking in /dev I have:

The content of /dev shouldn't matter, in theory.

> $ ls -ltr /proc/self/fd/0
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 csutclif Users 0 Nov 30  2006 /proc/self/fd/0 -> /dev/tty0
> however, there is no /dev/tty0.  Should there be?  If so, how do I create it?

> I'm at a loss here, could anybody hazard an idea as to what could be
> happening, or how I could further debug the issue?

Maybe something in /etc is making problems but I can't imagine what that
is.  This is a typical case where you just have to debug this.  Strace
might reveal a problem here.  Or maybe it's a BLODA problem.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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