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using ssh -Y on Vista
- From: Malgorzata Peszynska <mpesz at math dot oregonstate dot edu>
- To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
- Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 16:22:14 -0700 (PDT)
- Subject: using ssh -Y on Vista
(I sent this message originally to cygwin-xfree but somebody there
suggested I should resend here).
I am having a problem with X-windows forwarding from a fresh installation
of cygwin and X on Longhorn Vista (cygcheck.out attached). Basically, when
I do
ssh -vv -Y me@linuxserver
I get
debug2: x11_get_proto: /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth list :0.0 2>/dev/null
(and the xterm hangs).
Here is what I tried having read all the postings I could find. Still no luck.
1. I've reinstalled Cygwin thrice completely from scratch including removing
all files, changing permissions to folders as was suggested in some
posts etc.
2. My Firewall and User Account Control are disabled. My Norton is
UN-installed. I renamed setup.exe to some other name. I am using
Compatibility with WinXpSP2 and run the setup As Administrator.
3. I followed suggestions to rebaseall.
4. During install I pushed manually the postinstall script
postinstall/ (killed and executed from bash; probably no
connection though but I will mention that I fixed 'w' permissions to some
folders etc.).
Now: My /usr/X11/bin/startx works fine, I can fork xterms as usual.
I can ssh to me@linuxserver just fine, but I just can NOT do XWindows
forwarding as in using ssh -vv -Y ****. My three other installations of
cygwin-X that I have on Win2K and WinXP have worked nicely for the last few
years and still do including ssh -Y me@linuxserver.
So this is likely not a problem on my linuxserver side ... ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated ... my apology if I did not find just the
*right* posting that could help solve this problem .... Thanks, Malgo
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