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Re: Extraneous characters in mutt text manual?

Eric Blake wrote:
According to Mark S. Reglewski on 3/23/2007 3:20 AM:
less /usr/share/doc/mutt-

I get a display like this:
  <B7>  ESC[1mset-flag ESC[22m(default: w)

Does anyone else observe this, or is this a me-only problem?

I'm guessing that you also upgraded man. There is a known bad interaction between the current default man settings and the PAGER environment variable. A quick search of the list shows this:

Thanks Eric for the quick response. I checked the reference you cited, which is a discussion of bollixed man page display. It's a related problem, but not quite the same as this situation. If I invoke...

man any_man_page

...display of the man pages is fine. The suggested fix for the chap whose man page display was hosed -- invoking "less -isrR" -- does clean up the display of the mutt manual.txt file considerably: the numerous escape code sequences disappear, leaving only a few formatting codes in the form <letter digit>. The document becomes humanly readable with the workaround.

Forgive a naive question from a naive user: should there be any formatting codes/escape sequences at all to work around in what's supposed to be a plaintext file? /usr/share/doc/mutt- gives this as it's last line: "This document was written in SGML, and then rendered using the sgml-tools package." Haven't the utilities used to render the plaintext file from its SGML source left unwanted gunk in this instance?


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