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First (pre alpha) version of probably a new package

Hi all,

I have written a bash script for Cygwin. I haven't decided on the name yet, but the current codename is weft (Windows Explorer File Types). Maybe it will be the final name, but if anyone has a better suggestion I will surely consider it.

The script can be used to associate for instance the extension .sh with bash, so when you double click on it in the Windows Explorer the script will run in the current directory.

You can download it from
There is no man page yet, but a -h is available.

If people are interested in this, I will make it into a real package for Cygwin. So please let me know what you think of it.

A few things need to be mentioned.

First of all, this is currently a very basic script. No checks are done. So "weft -e doc" will associate bash with .doc files, without any warning of overriding. The same goes for the -u. So *please* be careful and know that no warranty is given!

Also know that this tool changes things in your registry. I have tested the basic functionality but again... no guarantees.

Currently only a bash in a cmd windows is supported, it is not yet possible to use ash or rxvt or whatever combination is wanted.

If two extension are used and one of them is uninstalled the other won't work anymore, but some garbage will remain in the registry.

No uninstall is added to the Control Panel.


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