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Re: WSADuplicateSocket used to implement ssh session multiplexing?

On Nov 23 11:56, Jeff Hardy wrote:
> I understand that windows does not allow sending open file descriptors
> over sockets and that is the reason that session multiplexing through
> a control master doesn't work. The documentation for
> WSADuplicateSocket states that the resulting WSAPROTOCOL_INFO
> structure can be sent through an IPC to a target process and that the
> target process can then call WSASocket with that info and the effect
> is a shared socket. If the sending process closes the socket, then the
> target has the connection to itself.
>  Is this essentially the same as sending an open file descriptor
> through a socket? I am of course assuming that the fd that is being
> sent is for a socket.
> Or am I really missing the big picture?

You're missing the infrastructure necessary to send file descriptor
data between processes.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat, Inc.

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