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Latest openssl tickles bug on win95?


I'm sorry I can't supply more detail...

Lately, I've been noticing, on w95, when I'm closing a shell which
(WAG) at anytime used a program compiled against latest openssl
(0.9.8-2), the console won't disappear. Sysinternals' process-
explorer and `ps -W` show stubs of the ssl-using program (ssh, lynx)
remaining (some devices, acquired mutexes and threads remain in
procexp's handle-view).

`ps` and `top` don't show the broken processes. If occasionally one
can attach a strace to one of them, it just sits there.

If, one afterwards tries to reboot the system (even after killing
winoldap). a hard reset (and scandisk) is required.

The reason I think openssl is involved is this: When one downgrades
openssh to the '4.1p1-1' version (which uses openssl097) the problem
doesn't happen on ssh-usage.

If there is anything I can do to help narrow this down further, let me


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