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Re: perl-5.8.5-3 Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch coredump

Reini Urban schrieb:
Gerrit, or someone else
Could you please try to run this with perl-5.8.5-3

cpan Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch
perl -mPod::Simple::HTMLBatch -ePod::Simple::HTMLBatch::go \
  @INC /www/docs/perl/pod2html

For me it always dumps core at the same place.
When writing pods/perltoc.html:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../_podly.js"></script>

<body c

I tried it without heap_chunk_in_mb (i.e. 256mb)
and with the same result with
regtool -i set \
 '/HKLM/Software/Cygnus Solutions/Cygwin/heap_chunk_in_mb' 1024

Of course I restarted the dll.
If you can reproduce it, I have to file a perlbug report.

And it is not an error on parsing the problematic file. perltoc.pod is by far the largest file with the most links.

perl -mPod::Simple::HTML -ePod::Simple::HTML::go \
     /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/pods/perltoc.pod > perltoc.html

works fine.
And after renaming /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/pods/perltoc.pod to /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/pods/perltoc.pod~
it also works fine.
So it's clearly a cygwin or perl specific memory issue.

Reini Urban

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