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Windows 2000 - starting Service

Dear cygwin-Team,

I installed cygwin successful.
The cygipc-service is running perfectly.
I want to start another service I named 'postmaster'.
I need this service for PostgreSQL.
When I try to start the service an error-message appears.

Error 1067 : Process terminated unexpectedly

What can I do to solve this problem ?

And I have a second question how could I set an enviromentvariable PGDATA ?

I tried it that way : & PGDATA = /cygdrive/f/database...
that is what happened :
bash: PGDATA: command not found

What should I type in to set the variable ?

It would be very nice of you, if you could help me.

My System :

Windows 2000
Pentium 4 1,8 GHz
1024 Mb DDR
Asus Mainboard P4G800

Greetings, Tobias Belch

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