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Re: list manager: please remove e-mail address from 2003-08/msg01549

Krzysztof Duleba wrote:
> Teun Burgers" wrote
> > In msg:
> >
> >
> > with subject:
> > Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] update: gnugo-3.4
> > from Krzysztof Duleba my e-mail adress is visible.
> >
> > Please remove this ASAP if at all possible since I have
> > enough trouble dealing with SPAM and sobig.f already.
> > At gmane ( )
> > the address is also mangled as it should be.
> >
> > And for Krzysztof, please don't quote e-mail adresses
> > in messages to lists.
> >
> > Teun
> The annoying thing here is that we have to use our real adresses. If the
> server allowed fake adresses, the problem would disapear. Do you believe
> that replacing @ with (at) is of any help? I don't.

And the point is?

All that's requested is that people not quote e-mail addresses in replies.
If it's your own address, fair do's.  Go ahead.  Just don't make that
decision for other people.  This is not directed at you personally,
think of it as a public request.


Elfyn McBratney

|                 Software Patents in Europe                 |
| On September 1st 2003 the European Parliment will make a   |
| decision about establishing a new law which would allow    |
| software patents in Europe.  This means that Europe's      |
| programmers and citizens alike could face considerable     |
| risk.                                                      |
| Unlike copyright, patents can block independent creations! |
| Software patents can render software copyright useless.    |
| One copyrighted work can be covered by hundreds of patents |
| of which the author doesn't even know but for whose        |
| infringement he and his users can be sued.  Some of these  |
| patents may be impossible to work around, because they are |
| broad or because they are part of communication standards. |
| What can you do to help?  FFII/Eurolinux are organising    |
| activities in and near the parliment to bring about an     |
| interdisciplinary discussion in a field which has for too  |
| long been dominated by industrial patent lawyers.          |
| For more information, or too see how you can help, visit   |
| <>.                                   |

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