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Re: Is GCC buggy ?


For practical purposes, no, GCC is not "buggy." Which is not to say it is bug-free. No large software program is literally bug-free.

Nonetheless, I compiled your program and it did what one would expect. No fireworks:

dans p:4198551 azerty

% gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 3.2 20020927 (prerelease)

% cygcheck -c gcc
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version
gcc 3.2-3

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

P.S. In the future, please place your cygcheck output in an attachment. I helps control clutter in the mailing list archives and reduces false hits when people perform package-, library- or program-specific searches of the archives.

Likewise for cygcheck output. In this case, compression is usually called for (use "bzip2") and even without it, putting the content in an attachment protects against line wrapping.

At 06:55 2002-11-20, CHAUVIERE Jean-Raymond wrote:
When I compile a source defining a function and calling it, the program coredumps.

I already compiled on this machine using 2.95. This happens since the update gcc 3.2 I fully reinstall cygwin (today: 11/20/2002 at 14h:00( PARIS/FRANCE) packages from, the same always happens. What I compiled, rox file manager for instance, is always functional.

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