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Re: Nethack and Cygwin - Compils, Installs and doesn't work :)

On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 05:31:00PM -0700, Brian Rowe wrote:
> I got past some challenges, but am a little confused
> on where to go next with Cygwin and debugging this.
> Nethack compiled, no errors.
> It installed in the /usr/games directory
> where it put nethack.exe
> I run nethack.exe and it just sits there, no error
> nothing.
> Any ideas, on what I could try or has anyone else
> tried this?

Assuming you've resolved your earlier STRNCMPI issue...

The nethack binary shouldn't be directly in your $PATH.  On a standard
installation it lives in the playground (by default
/usr/games/nethackdir).  What _should_ be at /usr/games/nethack is a
shell script that in turn runs the binary.  When I installed this a few
weeks ago, make install bailed out on an inability to find
/usr/games/lib/nethackdir/nethack (i.e., without the .exe tacked on); my
workaround (probably not the most elegant) was to make a symlink there
with the name it was looking for, comment out the rm -rf line in the
Makefile that cleans out the existing contents of the directory, and
rerun make install.  Runs fine now.

If you don't rerun make install some other critical things don't get
installed, IIRC, and nethack behaves pretty much the way you're
describing.  If you remember seeing chmod/chown errors during make
install (no such file...), and tried to remedy things by doing it 'by
hand', odds are this is your problem.

I seem to remember having to install the shell script by hand too
(problem with the sed command in the Makefile), but that might just have
been part of my blundering effort to fix things.  It may not be


"Everybody is stupid except for me."
   Homer J. Simpson

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