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Re: Perl database problem

Hallo Goksun,

Am 2001-10-27 um 00:59 schriebst du:

> I am trying to run a Perl program in cygwin. When I
> create the database using dbmopen command, it looks
> like it's working (it's only creating .pag file, not
> .dir file). However, when I try to read something from
> the database, it cannot open the file. I run the
> program on a UNIX machine and it works. Is there way
> to run that program using cygwin? 

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# recipe 14.1 from the 'Perl Cookbook'

use DB_File;

$db = '/tmp/userstats.db';

# use tie or dbmopen, as you like it,
# both works for me (on cygwin!)
# tie(%db, 'DB_File', $db)
#        or die "Cannot open DB_File $db: $!\n";

dbmopen (%db, $db, 0666)
        or die "Cannot open DB_File $db: $!\n";

if (@ARGV) {
    if ("@ARGV" eq "ALL") {
            @ARGV = sort keys %db;
    foreach $user (@ARGV) {
            print "$user\t$db{$user}\n";
} else {
    @who = `who`;             # execute who(1)
    if ($?) {
            die "Cannot execute who(1): $?\n";
    # extract usernames and update
    foreach $line (@who) {
            $line =~ /^(\S+)/;
            die "error in who(1) output: $line\n"
              unless $1;

# untie %db;
dbmclose %db;

# Ciao,

# Gerrit P. Haase                  

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