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RE: Static version of Cygwin DLL?

Maybe this could be an acceptable workaround: 
On Fri, Nov 24, 2000 at 02:26:49AM -0600, Pirot, Thierry wrote:
>hope this help,

I don't think it will.  This document tells you how to build an
application that does not rely on cygwin in any way.  Unless I'm missing
something, this is not what was being asked for.

The real answer is "You can't do that.  Sorry."


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Daniel Lidstr�m []
>Sent: Thursday, 23 November, 2000 13:10
>Subject: Statically linking cygwin1.dll
>Hi, how do I statically link cygwin1.dll into my executable?
>Daniel Lidstr�m

-----Original Message-----
From: Andre Oliveira da Costa []
Sent: Wednesday, 27 December, 2000 23:25
To: Cygwin
Subject: Static version of Cygwin DLL?

Hi there,

I need to build an executable using Cygwin (gcc, ld etc.), but I need it not
to depend on cygwin1.dll. I tried to link directly with /usr/lib/libcygwin.a

gcc -static -o ../bin/test.exe ../obj/test.o  -L/usr/lib -lcygwin

but the resulting executable still requires the presence of cygwin1.dll on
the path. I've searched the archives, but did not find anything closer than

it's too old, I thought maybe there could be something more up-to-date (I
tried Mumit's site as well, but it deals mainly with the problem of building
DLLs with Cygwin).

Any hints or directions to other documentation about this would be greatly


Andr� Oliveira da Costa

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