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XWin cursor huge on one computer but normal on another

I primarily work on my workstation which has four 1080p monitors (three on the bottom with the fourth at center top) and for the longest time I thought that it this was a configuration error on my part; and perhaps it still it.

The issue is that on my worksation, the cursor is huge and is sometimes even cropped for being too large. This is especially noticeable for applications like xterm and gedit.

I think it might be a DPI or scaling issue due to my large screen size, however I've always explicitly defined "-dpi 96" in my xinit.

I had thought that this was a known bug and hadn't thought much about it until I pulled up gedit on my laptop where I saw that the cursors were all fine. I thought that maybe I had different packages but even after copying my entire cygwin directory and startup scripts over, on my laptop it still shows cursors no larger than the default Windows size.

Has anyone experienced this before?


Matt D.

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