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Re: Problem launching XTerm on new Cygwin installation

On 3/7/2014 4:36 PM, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 07, 2014 at 03:37:36PM -0800, Mark Hansen wrote:
>> Okay, this is very strange. As I said before, I have had no problems launching XTerms
>> on my desktop running 64-bit Cygwin. I've launched several XTerms today with no problems
>> ... until a few minutes ago. I went to launch an XTerm on my desktop PC and it began
>> having the same problem I saw on the laptop (the error having to do with XTERM_SHELL).
>> I edited the launcher shortcut to remove the "/bin/zsh -l" from the end of the command
>> and it started working again.
>> I didn't do anything to update the Cygwin product on my desktop during this time.
> xterm handles these three cases differently:
> 	xterm
> 	xterm /bin/zsh
> 	xterm -e /bin/zsh
> The bug that I mentioned is in the second case - not in the other two.

Thanks. That was the bug I hit on my laptop. However, my desktop PC was working
fine with "xterm ... /bin/zsh -l" and then suddenly, it started getting the same
error. I made the same change to it as I did on my laptop PC and it worked, so
I'm not stopped - I'm just wondering how my desktop PC was working then suddenly
stopped working without altering any of the Cygwin software or settings.

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