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text fields in app don't allow input when running Cygwin X

I have an application that I have always compiled on Linux and then invoked via X Windows with my installed Cygwin X.  Basically use a shortcut to startwin.exe (full command is  C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c /usr/bin/startxwin.exe ).  This always started my X server in the background  (no root window, or invisible root window), and still does.  All I had to do is log into my server, export my DISPLAY and start the app.

However I have recompiled my application with java 7 and now all of the radio buttons, buttons, scrollbars, and checkboxes, etc.  all still work as before.  The only thing that does NOT work is a text field.  I can not get the focus of the mouse in there, nor can I change or enter any data in those fields.  

When I start Cygwin x from the Cygwin xterminal in a windowed env (e.g. starx from command line), and export my DISPLAY on the server, the application works, but is contained within the root window.  I never had to do it this way before and it looks slightly different, no separate window borders etc.

We also use Reflection for an X server - that seems to run the recompiled application fine.

Any ideas?  Also I apologize if I'm not saying this quite right! Thanks for any help.  If you need more info let me know.

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