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Re: Title bar of X apps, no host name?

On 04.11.2011 11:09, Csaba Raduly wrote:
On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 8:27 PM, Timothy Madden wrote:

Does anyone know how to change the window title to include the hostname please ?

Put the following into your PS1 (on the remote machines) :


Or you could google for "xterm window title"

I would like to change the title of all my X windows, so as to include the hostname of the X client for the window (that is, the hostname running the application in the window).

If you connect with *ssh -Y* to several machines, than you can run GUI applications on those machines, and the windows will open up on your X desktop. If you start gvim on each of these machines, you have 4 gvim windows on your desktop, with no easy way to tell to which machine each window belongs.

Some Linux X servers have this by default (I have CentOS), and it allows me to run *knosole* or *gnome-terminal* or *gvim* or any other application on several machines at the same time, with the X windows for them all on my desktop, without confusing the host machine for each window.

Thank you,
Timothy Madden

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