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Re: fvwm2 key mappings stop working

On 04/03/2011 20:41, Keith Thompson wrote:
> Quick summary: My fvwm2 key mappings, defined in $HOME/.fvwm2rc,
> initially work, but they stop working when I switch to another MS
> Windows app and back again.
> This is a problem that appeared in the last few weeks.  It's likely
> that I ran setup.exe and updated a few things around the time it
> started; there may also have been a change in my Windows system.
> (Sorry, I wish I could be less vague.)
> Is this a known problem?  Any suggestions for fixing it or working
> around it?

As a first step, I'd suggest that you try running 'xev' and see if the
keypress events the X server is generating change after switching to a native
app and back again.  That should help to narrow down if this is a problem in
the X server or in fvwm2

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