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Re: Slow response to keypresses in xorg-server-1.8.0-1

On 30/06/2010 18:40, Jon TURNEY wrote:

This is fallout from a change [1] to the way we process Windows messages
to handle large bursts of them overflowing the Xserver's internal event

It seems that sometimes /dev/windows doesn't seem ready to select() even
when there is still Windows messages to process. I can't quite
understand how this happens. I don't think this is a bug in cygwin, but
probably something subtle to do with message ordering and nonqueued
messages (like WM_ACTIVATE).

Anyhow, I've cooked up a small additional change which should prevent
this blocking behaviour and uploaded a build [2]. It seems to resolve
the problem in this specific case. Perhaps you could try it out and see
if it helps?


I experienced similar symptoms after upgrading to 1.8 recently, and the above XWin binary seems to be doing the trick so far.

I use the VirtuaWin virtual-desktop tool, and found that often when switching to a desktop with XWin windows on it, the windows would remain blank until I right-clicked on the XWin icon in the tray, when they would refresh.

Incidentally even with previous versions of Cygwin/X, VirtuaWin and Cygwin/X don't cooperate very well - when I switch from one desktop containing X windows to another, I see the content of the previous desktop's windows in the new ones (i.e. the windows in the desktop I switched to haven't refreshed their content). I don't know whose fault this is, and I realise this isn't a well-characterised bug report, so feel free to take it or leave it.


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