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Re: Cygwin 1.7 xterm

would this be the case with the blank X windows hanging around (i.e. missing a definition in the .Xdefaults).

Also, I just start X server and got this error trying to start the xterm from the startxwin.bat:

1 [main] xterm 3156 C:\Xwin\bin\xterm.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't allo
cate heap, Win32 error 487, base 0x7D0000, top 0x910000, reserve_size 1306624, a
llocsize 1310720, page_const 4096

Mike Ayers wrote:
From: [mailto:cygwin-xfree-] On Behalf Of Jerry Lowry
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 2:27 PM

Okay, I understand that, but I did not have to do this under 1.5. Did
they change the default in 1.7?

I think a settings file went away. To get rid of the toolbar, put "XTerm*toolBar: false" (note case) in ~/.Xdefaults. Note that ~ is defined by /etc/passwd, not HOME.



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