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Re: X11R7.4-1 can't read keyboard

Zdzislaw Meglicki wrote:
After having upgraded X11 from the previous version I had installed (and working) on my Cygwin laptop, I found that the new X11R7.4-1 server doesn't read the keyboard. All X11 apps I have tried are keyboard-deaf.

I have also noticed another thing. The keyboard seems to work if X11 is invoked by "root", an admin user who owns the Cygwin tree. But user "gustav" (i.e., me) cannot get the X11 keyboard to work neither as a non-admin user (this is how I normally work), nor even as an admin one.

What happens: X11 comes up. X11 apps come up. They can read the mouse. No errors are flagged. They can't read the keyboard though. /var/log/XWin.0.log, /tmp/.X0-lock, /tmp/.X11-unix, and /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 are created without problems.

I enclose cygcheck.out below.

XKEYSYMDB = '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB'

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