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RE: xterm line wrapping

Thomas Dickey wrote on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 1:31 AM::

> On Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 10:57:53AM -0500, Gustavo Seabra wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I wonder if anyone else sees this. When I open an xterm, it all works
>> fine with the default dimensions. But if I resize the terminal, line
>> wrapping stops working until I return to the initial size. This was
>> present in the old xterm, and persists after upgrading to the new
>> one. 
> that sounds like the "feature" in bash which makes it not pass on the
> SIGWINCH signal, depending on bash's settings.  (I should add it to
> my ncurses faq, since the bash maintainer doesn't answer this
> question) 
>> Interestingly, if I have a file opened in vi when resizing, vi works
>> quite well and wraps the lines correctly according to the terminal
>> size. But when I get out of vi I get the same problems back :-(
> vi is probably doing the ioctl to check on the screensize...

Try the command "shopt -s checkwinsize" in bash.  This causes bash to
check the terminal size after every command and adjusts $LINES and
$COLUMNS to the correct values.

If that works, add it to your .bashrc

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