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Re: Recent X11 upgrade and getting _gl?? Undefined references compiling another package

André Bleau wrote:
> libglut32.a and I was planning to remove glut32.lib in the next update. Could
> you please test linking with the attaches libglut32.a ? It is the one that 
> would be part of the upcoming opengl-1.1.0-10 .

OSG completes its build now with the new libglut32.a.  It builds an example 
program osgviewerGLUT.exe which opens a window and diplays an image.  When I 
click the close box on that window I get a segmentation fault when the app 
closes.  The app will also close when you simply press the escape key.  This 
leaves the process running in the background as if I had used the hack  

When I used the escape I had to kill the process manually.  Not sure if this is 
a glut issue or an issue with their example window but thought I would let you 


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