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hide a window from appearing in taskbar


I found a way to hide a window from appearing in taskbar when it is visible.

The technique I used was showing the window as a dialog with parent as MS-Windows desktop 

  int ret = DialogBox(GetModuleHandle(NULL), 
             MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABOUT), desktophwnd, AboutDlgProc);

Where "about" window wont appear in taskbar.
Also it wont be a modal window.

To make it more convincing I hide the calling window.

I am attaching the example
While running, do "Tools\About" from the menu

So will it be possible to use this with "XWin.exe -nodecoration"


--------- my makefile ------

myapp.exe : myapp.c myapp.res resource.h
	gcc -mwindows myapp.c  myapp.res -o $@

myapp.res : myapp.rc resource.h
	windres $< -O coff -o $@


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Attachment: myapp.c
Description: myapp.c

Attachment: myapp.rc
Description: myapp.rc

Attachment: resource.h
Description: resource.h

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