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Server Test Series - Change Log - Split into manageable pieces

No one had complained yet, but the Server Test Series Change Log (link below) had grown to 115 KiB and I am sure that this was annoying to some people on less-than-fast links.

The Change Log has now been split into chunks with no more than 25 release per file.

I added a set of links to each of the pages, right about where the entries start, that allows you to move between the different pages:

View: Current Full Test100+ Test99-Test75 Test74-Test50 Test49-Test25 Test24-Test01

What the links do
Current - Shows whatever the current set of changes is (Test100+ in this case).

Full - Shows all changes.

TestXXX-YYY - Shows all changes between YYY and XXX.

How it works
I have 5 files on the server that contain the change log entries: entries-100.html, entries-075.html, etc. Each of the changelog-XXX.html files just includes entries-XXX.html. The full changelog, changelog-full.html, includes all of the entries-*.html files and the changelog.html file just includes whatever the most recent entries-*.html file is.

Does it help?
I would like some feedback on whether this was a waste of time or whether some people actually benefited from it.


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