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RE: prompt colors in xterm

> Thanks for the screen dump and PS1.  However, your prompt does not 
> have colors in it.  Have you tried setting your prompt to what I use, 
> to see if it works?  try this, please:
> export PS1='\e[1m\@ \e[0;31m\u\e[m \W \! #'

I will try this later, when I have time.

> How do I get the colors for the directory listings?  I can then see 
> if that works for me.

in your bashrc file put an alias

alias ls = 'ls -lF --color'

or type it on the prompt eachtime.


> >I sent you my PS1 command.  Does it help?
> >
> >Suhaib
> >
> -- 
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Robert Jacobson              
> BS, Aeronautical Engineering  Univ. of Md., College Park
> Flight Ops. Team - SOlar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)

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