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Re: Development Status Update

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, Harold Hunt wrote:
> 4)  Including windows.h in source files that also include X Windows headers
> 	causes several identifier collisions between the header files;
> 	compilation fails.
> 5)  Implementing the DDX functions in xf_dx.dll seems like a good idea;
> 	however, that would require including the X Windows headers
> 	in the xf_dx.dll source files, along with windows.h,
> 	so we're back where we started.

What about putting the windows.h and the X11 Headers in different namespaces
namespace WIN {
#include "windows.h"
namespace X11 {
#include "X11.h"

this would mean all X11 functions and type would be named X11::xxxx
eg.X11::WINDOW. the windows types can be referenced by WIN::xxxx
eg. WIN::DoNothingLoop. I don't know if the windows or X11 includes
already have some namespaces defined - you should first have a look
into the includes. Maybe you should try putting only one of the includes
in the namespace.

HTH, ago
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