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RE: DX Server gets compiled on Cygwin now...

Now it works. I just need to copy the SecurityPolicy file across in the
appropriate directory. The server was dumping the error and I was blind!!!
On Sat, 08 Jan 2000, Suhaib Siddiqi wrote: 
> At some point in near future I hope I would be ale to convience 
> XFree86 organization to apply all the patches not only part of it, 
> because it creates more work for me to help other users fix the 
> problems created by applying part of the patches.

I think we should do that. We are fast approaching *real* working X-Servers and
lets us strive for getting the source trees merged. 
> Do not give up please.  What I mean more members of cygwin-xfree
> developers team has access to your code better are the chances we
> can fix problems.

I do not mean giving up in that sense ;-).

> It will not make much difference except AF_UNIX socket...
I realized it.

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