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RE: Proposal: That the Hippo becomes the official mascot of Cygwin

Warren Young wrote on Friday, February 13, 2009 11:27 AM:
> zzapper wrote:
>> I guess I'm not the first to suggest this, but Perl has got the
>> Camel, GNU's got the .. drat I can't remember. Might help
>> popularise/publicise Cygwin
> I think we're just waiting on someone to come up with a graphic that
> either wins widespread acceptance, or favor from the Co-Maintainers.
> It's a difficult challenge.  The reason for picking hippos is that
> they're mean, because WJM here.  How do you have a mean-looking hippo
> that's also attractive?  OpenSSH seems to strike a similar balance
> with their puffer fish mascot, but then, the connection between
> security and puffer fishes is obvious.

Here are the oldest "Hippo"s in the archives:!&fmt=long&form=extended&GroupBySite=no&m=all&np=15&ps=50&q=hippo&s=DRP&sp=1&sy=1&type=&ul=/ml/cygwin%25&wf=2221&wm=wrd
(I remember "hippo" being a pun on "hypocrite", but I cannot find evidence for that.)

Before that, the otters were favored, because CGF likes them a lot.

Personally, I like "cygnet" (a young swan).
See more:!&fmt=long&form=extended&GroupBySite=no&m=all&ps=50&q=cygnet&sp=1&sy=1&type=&ul=/ml/cygwin%25&wf=2221&wm=wrd&s=DRP

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