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FW: activestate perl on cygwin

On 11 January 2007 04:33, Andrew DeFaria wrote:

> moka@hol wrote:
>> Andrew DeFaria wrote:
>> ...
>>>> I don't actually install through cygwin, but use the ppm installer
>>>> from Activestate.
>>> Why people would want to use a proprietary Perl with a proprietary
>>> installer is beyond me. Let me ask you a question, what happens when
>>> you call setsid in this ActiveState Perl? Anyways...
>> Well, in my case when I make the call I run perl on Linux. Here I had
>> to write a scripton a windows machine and before checking cygwin I
>> checked activestate. Then I needed some modules, DBD:Orcale to be exact.
> Maybe you should have looked for DBD::Oracle instead? :-)

  I accidentally used CPAN to install DBD::Orca.  Now I have to feed my
computer a hundredweight of live fish every day.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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