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Re: Wading in piles of hippo dung...

On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 04:42:54PM -0500, mwoehlke wrote:
>Do we keep records anywhere for 'longest-running thread', 'deepest
>thread', etc?  All the 'make broke' whiners have (so far) produced a
>thread with 90 post (65 in cygwin, 25 in cygwin-talk) that is 25 levels
>deep.  :-) And that doesn't count the other threads...
>Hmm, depth = number of posts in -talk...  coincidence?
>Nope, it's all CGF's evil fault.  :-D

No matter what we do, it will never hold a candle to the long-running discussion
about questionable content in cygwin's fortune.  I actually asked for feedback
for that one and boy did I ever get it.


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