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Re: GPL violation?

On Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 06:36:08AM -0700, Tim Prince wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> This article seems to imply that Dell is distributing Cygwin,
>> possibly in violation of the GPL:
>> Ka-ching for Red Hat?
>You claim that BLODA violates GPL?  I don't see any claim there that 
>Dell distributed cygwin.

Then you weren't reading very closely.

>To the contrary, if they have BLODA which breaks cygwin, that fits the
>standard Windows marketing model "we don't fix bugs which turn up most
>often under cygwin."

I didn't claim anything like that.  It's quite odd that you would assume
that I don't understand the GPL.

My supposition is that Dell is releasing an application which doesn't
conform to the GPL.  This has nothing to do with BLODA.  If you want to
sling acronyms around, however, this is apparently a case of 3PP.


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