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Re: 64bit: man misconfigured

Am 01.04.2013 14:03, schrieb Andy Koppe:
On 30 March 2013 11:17, Thomas Wolff wrote:
Due to changed /etc/man.conf, man64 uses escape sequences for bold display
while man32 uses backspace combinations.
Backspace combinations?
The traditional Unix way to indicate bold, by explicit "overprinting", like B^HBO^HOL^HLD^HD.
Compare man ls > with 32/64 bit versions.

However, the escape sequences are not by default interpreted by less (less
-r would work),
so that PAGER=less man ... produces garbage display.
The 32-bit /etc/man.conf has this:

PAGER           /usr/bin/less -isrR

Whereas the 64-bit one has this:

PAGER           /bin/less -is

As Thomas alludes to, the -r option tells 'less' to pass escape
characters through to the terminal rather than turn them into a
highlighted "ESC".

The 32-bit man sources have a source patch that contains the
following, so I guess that hasn't been applied in the 64-bit version.



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