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Re: ITP checkbashisms -- Check for bashisms in /bin/sh scripts

On 2/4/2012 3:55 AM, Jari Aalto wrote:
checkbashisms script has been included in Debian since 200x (don't know
exatly; its git log starts in 2007). It's part of the devsripts in Debian.

To check build:

    tar -xf check*.bz2
    ./check*.sh --color --verbose all

We're not debian, and don't explicitly exclude the use of bashism in *ALL* [/usr]/bin/*.sh scripts. Even debian doesn't disallow bashisms i *usr*/bin/ scripts -- and as /bin == /usr/bin on cygwin, we can't realy distinguish between /bin/*.sh and /usr/bin/*sh. Some of our scripts, in fact, have sh-bang lines explicitly requiring bash (e.g. cygport).

So...I'm not sure this is a totally useful tool for cygwin; it might lead to unnecessary list traffic:

"Hey, checkbashisms complains about /usr/bin/cygport, please fix..."

I realize this doesn't require votes as it is already in debian, and I certainly have no veto power, but if it did require votes I'd be giving it a '0' not a '+1'.


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