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Re: [Maybe-ITP] PHP

[my first answer was posted from my gmail account, so rejected]

Max Bowsher schrieb:
> I don't have much of a liking for PHP myself, but seeing the large
> quantity of people who _do_ want it, and being the apache2 maintainer, I
> feel like I ought to at least make a bit of an effort to make it available.
> So: I have prospective PHP packages building right now, but:

> (1) I'm linking to postgresql. PHP without any SQL database interface
> would be a bit crippled - on the other hand, this requires *everyone*
> installing PHP to install PostgreSQL. It *ought* to be able to
> modularize the dependency into a sub-package, but persuading the
> extensions to build as DLLs is proving more complicated than I have time
> to tackle right now.

Well, postgresql is currently one big monolithic package.
To make dependencies easier, I could provide the cygpg.dll client lib
in a seperate libpg8 package, so that you could talk to a remote
postgresql server at least.

> Given the above caveats, do you think I should proceed with the ITP
> process, or not?

Reini - postgresql mainainer

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