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Re: [PATCH] Fix detecting ld version with crosstool-NG (to fix symbol exporting)

On 07/03/2012 06:56 AM, Olivier Blin wrote:
ld from crosstool-NG reports a version string with an extra version:
GNU ld (crosstool-NG 1.13.0) 2.21.1

This made libtool assume that the ld version was the crosstool-NG
version (1.13.0) instead of the real ld version (2.21.1).

To fix the ld version string, this patch filters out any string
between parentheses that is followed by a space.

Committed. Thanks! (I suspect we were also running into this; our internal builds of ld and gold also have version numbers embedded in the parenthetical note.)

If you could give the updated libtool.m4 file a test to make sure it's working as expected, I'd appreciate it.

- Brooks

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