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Re: [PATCH] Keep an uncompressed build log

Trevor, All,

On Friday 04 March 2011 00:08:05 Trevor Woerner wrote:
> My only change is to add the following line:
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 5:44 PM, Yann E. MORIN
> <> wrote:
> >> +cp ${CT_LOG_FILE} ${CT_TOP_DIR}
> These lines (and behaviour) were pre-existing:

Yes, I know! I (still!) know how to read a patch! ;-)

> >> ?[ "${CT_LOG_FILE_COMPRESS}" = y ] && bzip2 -9 "${CT_LOG_FILE}"
> >> ?[ "${CT_INSTALL_DIR_RO}" = "y" ?] && chmod -R a-w "${CT_INSTALL_DIR}"
> >> ?[ "${CT_TEST_SUITE}" = "y" ] && chmod -R u+w "${CT_TEST_SUITE_DIR}"
> > In fact, I'd suggest the oposite: have the build.log file be in the working
> > directory. Then, once the toolchain is successfully built, save a compressed
> > copy in the toolchain install dir.
> Yes, that would make sense to me, but the existing behaviour is to
> build the log file in the install location, then compress it where it
> exists. If you like I could create a patch whereby the log is built in
> the build location then compressed to the install location?

Yes, that was my suggestion. That would be much more logical. If the build
fails for whatever reason, the build.log is there in the working directory
for the user to look at it. And if the build is complete, the build.log is
also there.

Then, the copy in the toolchain directory is just that the build.log gets
associated with a complete toolchain.

Yann E. MORIN.

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