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Re: [PATCH] configure: check for libstdc++ and zlib, dynamic and static

Anthony, Bryan, All,

On Saturday 22 January 2011 09:28:03 Anthony Foiani wrote:
> > Your change makes me ask: Do we need libstdc++.a for a certain
> > configuration? Or for all?
> Unfortunately, I don't know.  It seems that *something* on the host
> side wants libstdc++ for static linking; exactly what, I don't recall.
>  (I suppose I can erase that package and recompile, to see what
> dies...)

That would be CLooG/PPL, IIRC...
  # grep -E 'c\+\+' scripts/build/companion_libs/*.sh
  scripts/build/companion_libs/        cloog_opts+=( --with-host-libstdcxx='-lstdc++' )

> Perhaps.  Again, I have to make apologies for the fact that I can only
> make patches for items which are show-stoppers for me; I hope that
> they're useful to others, but unfortunately I'm not in a position to
> do exhaustive fixing.  :(

Do not appologise! Your reports on your issues on a machione not everybody
(including me!) has are much welcome! Sorry I could not jump in, I've been
busy IRL those past few days...

> Thanks for all the work you've been adding to ct-ng lately!

Yes, thank all of you involved in the in this! :-)

Yann E. MORIN.

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