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Build Failure for PPC405 using crosstool-ng 1.9.2

I am new to crosstool-ng so please forgive me if my question is redundant or stupid.? I have been through the mail list archive and Google and can't find anything on this.? I am trying to build a cross toolchain for a PPC405 embedded SBC.? I have gone through and installed the software correctly and went with a config created by the following commands:

./configure -local
make install
./ct-ng powerpc-405-linux-gnu
./ct-ng build

The software goes out and downloads the software and then begins/completes patching the software packages.? It is blowing up on the Installing Linux headers with the following error:

[INFO ]? Extracting and patching toolchain components
[EXTRA]??? Extracting 'linux-'
[EXTRA]??? Patching 'linux-'
[EXTRA]??? Extracting 'gmp-4.3.2'
[EXTRA]??? Patching 'gmp-4.3.2'
[EXTRA]??? Extracting 'mpfr-2.4.2'
[EXTRA]??? Patching 'mpfr-2.4.2'
[EXTRA]??? Extracting 'binutils-2.19.1'
[EXTRA]??? Patching 'binutils-2.19.1'
[EXTRA]??? Extracting 'gcc-4.3.2'
[EXTRA]??? Patching 'gcc-4.3.2'
[EXTRA]??? Extracting 'glibc-2.9'
[EXTRA]??? Patching 'glibc-2.9'
[EXTRA]??? Extracting 'glibc-ports-2.9'
[EXTRA]??? Patching 'glibc-ports-2.9'
[EXTRA]??? Extracting 'dmalloc-5.5.2'
[EXTRA]??? Patching 'dmalloc-5.5.2'
[EXTRA]??? Extracting 'duma_2_5_15'
[EXTRA]??? Patching 'duma-2_5_15'
[EXTRA]??? Extracting 'gdb-6.8'
[EXTRA]??? Patching 'gdb-6.8'
[EXTRA]??? Extracting 'ncurses-5.7'
[EXTRA]??? Patching 'ncurses-5.7'
[EXTRA]??? Extracting 'expat-2.0.1'
[EXTRA]??? Patching 'expat-2.0.1'
[INFO ]? Extracting and patching toolchain components: done in 165.79s (at 08:10)
[INFO ]? =================================================================
[INFO ]? Installing kernel headers
[EXTRA]??? Installing kernel headers
[ERROR]??? make[1]: *** [sub-make] Error 2
[ERROR]??? Build failed in step 'Installing kernel headers'
[ERROR]??? Error happened in '/home/chris/Embedded/crosstool-ng-1.9.2/scripts/functions' in function 'CT_DoExecLog' (line unknown, sorry)
[ERROR]????????? called from '/home/chris/Embedded/crosstool-ng-1.9.2/scripts/build/kernel/' at line # 98 in function 'do_kernel_install'
[ERROR]????????? called from '/home/chris/Embedded/crosstool-ng-1.9.2/scripts/build/kernel/' at line # 75 in function 'do_kernel_headers'
[ERROR]????????? called from '/home/chris/Embedded/crosstool-ng-1.9.2/scripts/' at line # 597 in function 'main'
[ERROR]??? Look at '/home/chris/x-tools/powerpc-405-linux-gnu/build.log' for more info on this error.
[ERROR]? (elapsed: 8:10.67)
[08:12] / make: *** [build] Error 2

Is there something about PowerPC I am not aware of?? Seems pretty early in the build to blow up on standard setup/config for GNU builds.? Any help would be appreciated.

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