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Re: Unexpected behavior regarding linking sections

On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 04:27:50PM +0100, Felix von Leitner wrote:
> This is about my libc handling code for ctors and dtors.
> In the startup code, I do this:
>   .section .ctors,"aw"
>   .global __CTOR_LIST__
>   __CTOR_LIST__:
>   .section .dtors,"aw"
>   .global __DTOR_LIST__
>   __DTOR_LIST__:
> Then, after all the other code, I do this:
>   .section .ctors,"aw"
>   .global __CTOR_END__
>   __CTOR_END__:
>   .section .dtors,"aw"
>   .global __DTOR_END__
>   __DTOR_END__:
> And the handling code looks like this:
>   funcptr* f;
>   funcptr* m=__CTOR_END__<__DTOR_LIST__ ? __CTOR_END__ : __DTOR_LIST__;
>   for (f=__CTOR_LIST__; f<m; ++f) (*f)();
> Note the surprising declaration of m here.
> I was expecting, since ctors go into section .ctors and dtors go into
> section .dtors, that if I have code like this:
>   __attribute__((destructor)) void dtor(void) { puts("dtor"); }
>   __attribute__((constructor)) void ctor(void) { puts("ctor"); }
> that __CTOR_END__ - __CTOR_LIST__ would be sizeof(void*) and the same
> for __DTOR_END__ - __DTOR_LIST__. In reality, the values are like this
> (on x86_64):
> __CTOR_LIST__ is 0x404fe0
> __DTOR_LIST__ is 0x404ff0
> __CTOR_END__ == __DTOR_END__ == 0x405000
> Uh ... wat? Why is __DTOR_END__ not 0x404ff0?
> Is this a bug in ld or am I missing something?

Have a look at your default ld scripts (link with -Wl,--verbose).
Very likely you have a linker configured with --enable-initfini-array
which will put .ctors and .dtors from all but the various flavours of
crtbegin/end.o into .init_array and .fini_array.

> I'm using gcc 8.2 and binutils
> Felix

Alan Modra
Australia Development Lab, IBM

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