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Re: [PATCH] RISC-V: Add support for addi that compresses to c.nop.

On 15/01/18 23:57, Jim Wilson wrote:
This fixes a bug reported against the github riscv/riscv-binutils-gdb project.

This fixes a minor oversight.  An addi x0,x0,0 is a nop, and should compress
to c.nop when RVC support is enabled, but without this patch we always get
a 4-byte nop.  With this patch, we get the expected 2-byte nop.

This was tested with rv{32,64}-{elf,linux} make check-{binutils,gas,ld}.  There
were no regressions.

Maybe this change broke the GCC build (riscv32-rtems5 and riscv64-rtems5 targets):

/home/sh/b-gcc-riscv32/./gcc/xgcc -B/home/sh/b-gcc-riscv32/./gcc/ -nostdinc -B/home/sh/b-gcc-riscv32/riscv32-rtems5/newlib/ -isystem /home/sh/b-gcc-riscv32/riscv32-rtems5/newlib/targ-include -isystem /home/sh/src/gcc/newlib/libc/include -B/home/sh/install/riscv32-rtems5/bin/ -B/home/sh/install/riscv32-rtems5/lib/ -isystem /home/sh/install/riscv32-rtems5/include -isystem /home/sh/install/riscv32-rtems5/sys-include    -g -O2 -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -O2 -I/home/sh/src/gcc/libgcc/../newlib/libc/sys/rtems/include -g -O2 -DIN_GCC  -DCROSS_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE  -W -Wall -Wno-narrowing -Wwrite-strings -Wcast-qual -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition  -isystem ./include   -g -DIN_LIBGCC2 -fbuilding-libgcc -fno-stack-protector -Dinhibit_libc  -I. -I. -I../../../.././gcc -I/home/sh/src/gcc/libgcc -I/home/sh/src/gcc/libgcc/. -I/home/sh/src/gcc/libgcc/../gcc -I/home/sh/src/gcc/libgcc/../include  -DHAVE_CC_TLS  -o _ffssi2.o -MT _ffssi2.o -MD -MP -MF _ffssi2.dep -DL_ffssi2 -c /home/sh/src/gcc/libgcc/libgcc2.c -fvisibility=hidden -DHIDE_EXPORTS -save-temps
libgcc2.s: Assembler messages:
libgcc2.s:53: Error: bad expression
libgcc2.s:73: Error: bad expression
libgcc2.s:107: Error: bad expression
libgcc2.s:134: Error: bad expression

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
Fax     : +49 89 189 47 41-09
E-Mail  :
PGP     : Public key available on request.

Diese Nachricht ist keine geschäftliche Mitteilung im Sinne des EHUG.

	.file	"libgcc2.c"
	.option nopic
	.cfi_sections	.debug_frame
	.align	2
	.globl	__ffssi2
	.hidden	__ffssi2
	.type	__ffssi2, @function
	.file 1 "/home/sh/src/gcc/libgcc/libgcc2.c"
	.loc 1 515 1
	.loc 1 516 3
	.loc 1 518 3
	.loc 1 518 6 is_stmt 0
	beqz	a0,.L6
	.loc 1 521 3 is_stmt 1
	.loc 1 521 8
	.loc 1 521 31
	.loc 1 521 48
	.loc 1 521 53
	.loc 1 521 79 is_stmt 0
	sub	a5,zero,a0
	.loc 1 521 61
	and	a0,a5,a0
	.loc 1 521 90 is_stmt 1
	.loc 1 521 103
	.loc 1 521 124
	.loc 1 521 226 is_stmt 0
	li	a5,65536
	bgeu	a0,a5,.L3
	.loc 1 521 226 discriminator 3
	li	a5,255
	li	a4,0
	bgtu	a0,a5,.L9
	.loc 1 521 398 is_stmt 1 discriminator 14
	.loc 1 521 465 discriminator 14
	.loc 1 522 3 discriminator 14
	.loc 1 521 430 is_stmt 0 discriminator 14
	lui	a5,%hi(__clz_tab)
	addi	a5,a5,%lo(__clz_tab)
	add	a0,a0,a5
	lbu	a0,0(a0)
	.loc 1 521 444 discriminator 14
	add	a0,a0,a4
	.loc 1 522 16 discriminator 14
	.loc 1 521 226 discriminator 4
	li	a5,16777216
	bgeu	a0,a5,.L10
	.loc 1 521 430
	lui	a5,%hi(__clz_tab)
	addi	a5,a5,%lo(__clz_tab)
	srli	a0,a0,16
	add	a0,a0,a5
	lbu	a0,0(a0)
	.loc 1 521 226
	li	a4,16
	.loc 1 521 398 is_stmt 1
	.loc 1 521 465
	.loc 1 522 3
	.loc 1 521 444 is_stmt 0
	add	a0,a0,a4
	.loc 1 522 16
	.loc 1 519 12
	li	a0,0
	.loc 1 523 1
	.loc 1 521 430
	lui	a5,%hi(__clz_tab)
	addi	a5,a5,%lo(__clz_tab)
	srli	a0,a0,8
	add	a0,a0,a5
	lbu	a0,0(a0)
	.loc 1 521 226
	li	a4,8
	.loc 1 521 398 is_stmt 1
	.loc 1 521 465
	.loc 1 522 3
	.loc 1 521 444 is_stmt 0
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	.loc 1 522 16
	.loc 1 521 430
	lui	a5,%hi(__clz_tab)
	addi	a5,a5,%lo(__clz_tab)
	srli	a0,a0,24
	add	a0,a0,a5
	lbu	a0,0(a0)
	.loc 1 521 226
	li	a4,24
	.loc 1 521 398 is_stmt 1
	.loc 1 521 465
	.loc 1 522 3
	.loc 1 521 444 is_stmt 0
	add	a0,a0,a4
	.loc 1 522 16
	.size	__ffssi2, .-__ffssi2
	.file 2 "/home/sh/src/gcc/libgcc/../include/hashtab.h"
	.file 3 "/home/sh/src/gcc/libgcc/../gcc/config/riscv/riscv-opts.h"
	.file 4 "../../../.././gcc/insn-constants.h"
	.file 5 "/home/sh/src/gcc/libgcc/libgcc2.h"
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