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Re: [PATCH ARM]: Architectural Extensions (Matthew Gretton-Dann or Richard Earnshaw)

On 17/12/12 20:19, David Fernandez wrote:
DDI04060c.b, A8.8.247, UDF Encoding T1: ARMv4T, ARMv5T*, ARMv6, ARMv7
Encoding T2: ARMv6T2, ARMv7
udf #imm8

Missed this bit in my previous reply. UDF is a pseudo instruction that was added in rev-C of the ARM ARM, it wasn't listed in earlier versions (I guess that's why it wasn't caught when the other updates were done).

The traditional way in gas to get an UNDEF instruction was to hard-code the bit-pattern into an opcode. The correct way to do this is with the .inst, .inst.n or .inst.w directives.



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