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Re: x86 64 bit resources

On Tuesday 13 November 2012 14:05:58 Jean-Claude Gervais wrote:
> I understand that the routines to read these proposed resources do not
> exist for other platforms than Windows x86 but I have developed code
> that can navigate and read resource blocks from .res files and I would
> like for certain resources to be packaged inside the executable.
> The thing stopping me is producing a resource encapsulated inside a (for
> example) PPC32 object file and linking it to the native PPC32
> executable.

what i've seen & done in the past is:
$ cat rc.S
.global RC_SYM
.incbin RC_FILE
.size RC_SYM,.-RC_SYM

$ ls -l a.out
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vapier vapier 8378 Oct 23 14:01 a.out
$ gcc -c rc.S -DRC_SYM=my_bin_data -DRC_FILE='"a.out"'
$ readelf -sW rc.o | grep my_bin_data
     4: 0000000000000000  8378 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 my_bin_data


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