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Can objdump show friendly symbolic function name?

Hi All,

I am developing with mips-linux toolchain. I always need to do some
analysis on the disassembly code.
But objdump displays as following:
0001c370 <semget>:
   1c370:   3c1c0005    lui gp,0x5
   1c374:   279ce080    addiu   gp,gp,-8064
   1c378:   0399e021    addu    gp,gp,t9
   1c37c:   27bdffd8    addiu   sp,sp,-40
   1c380:   afbf0024    sw  ra,36(sp)
   1c384:   afbc0018    sw  gp,24(sp)
   1c388:   00a01021    move    v0,a1
   1c38c:   00c03821    move    a3,a2
   1c390:   00403021    move    a2,v0
   1c394:   8f828880    lw  v0,-30592(gp)
   1c398:   8f998204    lw  t9,-32252(gp)
   1c39c:   2403ffff    li  v1,-1
   1c3a0:   ac430000    sw  v1,0(v0)
   1c3a4:   00802821    move    a1,a0
   1c3a8:   afa00010    sw  zero,16(sp)
   1c3ac:   afa00014    sw  zero,20(sp)
   1c3b0:   0320f809    jalr    t9
   1c3b4:   24040002    li  a0,2
   1c3b8:   8fbf0024    lw  ra,36(sp)
   1c3bc:   8fbc0018    lw  gp,24(sp)
   1c3c0:   03e00008    jr  ra
   1c3c4:   27bd0028    addiu   sp,sp,40

It is really hard to read disassembly code like that since I can't see which
function is called from `jalr t9'.

Is there some way to inform objdump to display more friendly symbolic name
as following?

bfc020f8 <try_nand_flash_boot>:
bfc020f8:	27bdffe0 	addiu	sp,sp,-32
bfc020fc:	3c02b404 	lui	v0,0xb404
bfc02100:	afbf001c 	sw	ra,28(sp)
bfc02104:	afb20018 	sw	s2,24(sp)
bfc02108:	afb10014 	sw	s1,20(sp)
bfc0210c:	afb00010 	sw	s0,16(sp)
bfc02110:	00809021 	move	s2,a0
bfc02114:	0ff007a0 	jal	bfc01e80 <reset_gpio>
bfc02118:	24501000 	addiu	s0,v0,4096
bfc0211c:	0ff007f9 	jal	bfc01fe4 <nand_flash_init>

Best Regards,
Jul 15,2010

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