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Re: ld maps sections without consider memory region?

Hello Nick,

On 2007/02/16, at 21:03, Nick Clifton wrote:
Please could you give the attached patch a try ? I think that it will solve the problem without requiring that you specify the program headers in your linker file.

Sorry for late reply and thanks for your patch.

I tried on the test case I've sent.
Basically, it looks nice to me.

But I have a new question.
I couldn't determine if this is my misunderstanding.

Using script-warn.ld with my test case, ld (applied your patch) shows an warning like this.
- mips64-elf-ld: a.out: warning: allocated section `.begin' \
- not in segmentThanks for your patch.
But using script-no-warn.ld in same environment, there is no warning.
I can't see why the warning is suppressed by defining HDR1 because it looks HDR1 is never used by any sections.

Masaki Muranaka
Monami software

Attachment: script-warn.ld
Description: Binary data

Attachment: script-no-warn.ld
Description: Binary data

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