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loading from the stack segment


Changing the sequence of instructions from

subl $9980,%esp
movl -9976(%ebp),%eax


movl -9976(%ebp),%eax
subl $9980,%esp

causes segmentation fault while executing memory load

movl -9976(%ebp),%eax

I don't see any dependency between those two instructions.

My guess is that

subl $9980,%esp

somehow establishes stack segment that

movl -9976(%ebp),%eax

reads from – however debugging the faulty/correct programs didn't show any significant difference between the state of CPU at

movl -9976(%ebp),%eax

and I couldnt locate any documentation to support such an assumption.

Any thoughts and clarifications would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

David Livshin

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