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Re: un-installing binutils-2.10

Hi Pulkit,

> I am running debian 3.0r and I downloaded bin-utils-2.10 from
> redhat, Installaion went smooth but, I also need to install
> binutil-dev current version but they are not
> compatible with each other. I want to upgrade bin-utils version to
> but it is un-sucessful due to bin-util files
> are already there. I tied using make -n install to determine the
> location of the installation file but was confused with 20000 lines
> of codes. Please help me if you have any info about " how to
> un-install bin-utils-2.10'.

If you are using rpm then you should be able to use "rpm -e bin-utils"
to remove the old package.

If you are compiling and installing from sources then the binaries
will probably have been installed into /usr/local/bin and


PS. 2.10 is a very old version of binutils...

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