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Re: GASP really obsolete?

Hi Frank,

> I have to maintain GAS assembler files which contain a lot of GASP
> macros. The original author of these files wrote some macros to make 
> it easier to understand the assembler program. For instance, he was
> able to write such code:
>   IFNZ variable_a, $0
>     call handle_case_a_not_null
>   ELSE
>     call handle_case_a_is_null
> He implemented the IFNZ, ELSE and ENDIF using GASP macros:
>   icount .ASSIGNA 0
>   ival   .ASSIGNA 0
>   MAXIF  .REG     (90)
>   .MACRO IFNZ val1, val2
>     icount .ASSIGNA \&icount+1
>     ival   .ASSIGNA \&ival+1
>     cmpl   \val1, \val2
>     jnz    I\&icount
>     icount .ASSIGNA \&icount+1
>   .ENDM
>     x1     .ASSIGNA \&ival-(\&ival/MAXIF*MAXIF)
>     ival   .ASSIGNA \&ival+1
>     x2     .ASSIGNA \&ival-(\&ival/MAXIF*MAXIF)
>     jmp    I\&x2
>     I\&x1:
>   .ENDM
>     x      .ASSIGNA \&ival-(\&ival/MAXIF*MAXIF)
>     I\&x:
>     ival   .ASSIGNA \&ival/MAXIF
>   .ENDM

Can you use local labels ?  ie how about this:

        .macro IFNZ val1, val2
          cmpl \val1, \val2
          jnz  1f

        .macro ELSE
          jmp 2f

        .macro ENDIF

This assumes that you do not need the icount and ival counters outside
of the macros, but I think that it should work.


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