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Re: Q: mutlithreaded tracees && clone/exit

> Probably this is fine for gdb. But ugdb was started to prototype the
> new general purpose API. Say, vAttach attaches the whole thread group,
> there is no way to debug a single thread. Not good in general. The same
> for D command and for W/X notifications from gdbserver.

It seems fine and normal for whole process to be the granularity of
attaching.  You need to be able to control the individual threads, of
course.  But it doesn't really make a lot of sense to "debug" one thread
and not another in the same process.

> However, when this thread exits, gdbserver sends nothing and gdb
> continues to wait. For what? Another (main) thead is TASK_TRACED,
> it can do nothing unless it is SIGKILLED.

Yes, it seems like gdb is confusing itself here.
Perhaps it is not confused that way when in non-stop mode.


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