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Re: Method to retrieve a type's objfile, and an objfile's global scope

>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Blandy <> writes:

Jim> One solution would be to provide access to a type's objfile, and then
Jim> to an objfile's global scope --- or perhaps more directly, simply
Jim> provide a function that returns the scope in which a type is defined.

Jim> Thoughts?

Yeah, I think we need something like this.

There are a few places where we should pass in some optional things to
modify type lookup: a block (or other sort of scope or scope proxy), an
arch, and a language.  Basically most occurrences of python_gdbarch and
python_language are bugs.  In this case, the ones in typy_lookup_typename.

I think archer already has some of the block stuff done.  I'm on another
branch right now, so it isn't convenient to check.

If you can't do this, please file a bug against archer.
I'd like us to be a bit more systematic about this; now is a good time
to start :-)


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